EC Innovations 为全球领先的生命科学公司提供了超过 25 年的专业翻译服务,是众多世界级生命科学公司的优选语言服务供应商。我们专注为客户提供生物技术,制药,临床诊断和医疗器械领域的翻译和本地化解决方案,以及 eCTD 申报和国际药政咨询服务。
EC Innovations has been working with many of today’s leading companies in life sciences Industry for over 25 years. We comply with high quality standards to ensure accuracy and consistency in providing localization services to our clients while meeting tight deadlines. Founded in 1997, EC Innovations has grown from a small boutique translation house to a full-service technology and language solutions provider with 9 offices strategically located across the globe and over 500 full time employees.