Voisin Consulting Life Sciences (VCLS)是一家国际药政和临床研究咨询公司,致力于为生物技术公司和制药企业提供产品开发和市场准入的咨询服务,将创新的药物产品加速推向市场和惠及患者。目前已为超过300多家欧美医药企业提供咨询服务,并协助超过20个医药产品在欧洲和美国上市。VCLS能够在研发的各个阶段为客户提供创新产品的开发策略,通过优化的临床开发路径以推动产品获得商业成功。
VCLS is a global regulatory science and clinical research consultancy firm, which guides biotechnology, pharmaceutical and MedTech manufacturers throughout product development and market access. From early stage to patients, VCLS assists innovators by designing product development strategies that optimize clinical development to drive commercial success.
The firm offers integrated solutions with regulatory and market access development strategy, chemistry formulation, manufacturing scale-up & control services, nonclinical & clinical regulatory development planning, clinical trial operations. With offices in Cambridge, and Somerville (MA & NJ, USA), London (UK), Paris and Rennes (France), Lausanne (Switzerland), Copenhagen (Denmark), Bangalore (India) and Shanghai (China), VCLS serves a broad range of developers and investors in life sciences.