武汉索尔德测控技术有限公司主要研发生产销售移动搬运设备(堆取料机、天车、卸料小车、龙门吊等)位置检测用传感器,如:刻度标尺精确定位系统、格雷母线定位系统、APON无线定位测距仪、钢带编码系统、码钉定位系统、无源编缆钢尺等多种位移检测产品。提供基于恶劣环境下移动搬运设备的无人化远程操控系统,传感器已应用于上海洋山港四期全自动化码头、美国长滩港、韩国釜山港、酒钢、宝武钢铁(马钢、太钢、重钢、昆钢、韶钢、梅钢等)、首钢、河北钢铁、鞍钢、华菱集团(湘钢、涟钢)、日钢、沙钢、联峰钢铁等知名冶金企业,服务客户数量超过200家,被评为国家级科技型中小企业、省级创新型中小企业、“光谷瞪羚”企业、国家级高新技术企业. 被国家税务总局评为税纳税信用等级A级(最高)。专精特新专利著作权达到49项,具有国际创新性无源编缆钢尺产品已成功投入市场,能适用各种恶劣应用环境,切实解决用户使用中的痛点;我公司已在马鞍山、嘉峪关、唐山、湘潭、西安、本溪成立办事处,为提升用户服务质量打好基础。索尔德测控,与您共赢美好未来。Wuhan Sold Measuring&Control Co.,Ltd. mainly develops, produces and sells position detection sensors for mobile handling equipment (stacker reclaimer, crown block, unloading trolley, gantry crane, etc.). The sensors include scale precision positioning system, Gray bus positioning system, APON wireless positioning Distance measuring equipment, steel strip coding system, nail positioning system, passive cabling steel ruler and other displacement detection products, providing an unmanned remote control system for mobile handling equipment in harsh environments.The sensor has been used in Shanghai Yangshan Port Phase 4 fully automated terminal, Long Beach Port, South Korea Busan Port, Jisco, China Baowu Steel Group Corporation Limited (Malleable casting iron, TiSCO, Chongqing Iron & Steel Company Limited, Kunming Iron And Steel Co.,ltd., SGIS Songshan Co., Ltd., China Baowu Steel Group Corporation Limited, etc.), Shougang Group , Hbis Group Co., Ltd, Ansteel Group Corporation Limited , Valin Group (Hunan Victory Xiangtan Steelpipe Co. Ltd., Lianyuan Steel), Rizhaosteel, Shagang Group Co. Ltd., Lian Feng Iron and Steel and other well-known metallurgical enterprises, serving more than 200 customers, and being rated as national science and technology SMEs Provincial innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, 'Optics Valley Gazelle' enterprises, and national high-tech enterprises。Our company was rated as Grade A by the State Taxation Administration. The number of patent copyrights has reached 49, and innovative passive cable steel rulers have been successfully put into the market, which can be applied to various harsh application environments and effectively solve user problems. We has established offices in Ma'anshan, Jiayu Pass, Tangshan, Xiangtan, Xi'an and Benxi, laying a solid foundation for improving the quality of user service.Wuhan Sold Measuring & Control Co.Ltd. l will create a better future with you.