Intellgent network is a website that focus on the development and upgrading of China's manufacturing industry professional information platform, with comprehensive consulting service , at a unique perspective way, collecting, analysising, combing and spreading the firsthand information of intelligent manufacturing technology and successful experience. IT and OT is fading their board in the intelligent network’ world. Visitors can assess the most professional consulting and knowledge through our website, make cross-border combination linking between science and industry.
Our focus
Smart factory, intellegence automobile, industry wearable devices,advance management system ,MES, ERP, big data, share economy, IOT.
Our advantages
intellgent network covers the business of media promotion and E-commerce,product copy&creative design,help our customer gain the most valuable client resources and enjoy the best consulting and advertisment services.
Our goals
Help made in China in 2025 and industrial4.0 development and to promote industry informatization.To build China's most comprehensive, the most powerful industrial manufacturing network consultation platform.