赛默飞世尔科技通过 Patheon™ 品牌,为各种规模的客户提供药物研开发和商业化生产(CDMO)以及临床试验物流的制药服务解决方案。公司在全球设有超过65个办事处及30多家工厂,可以在药物所有药物研发阶段提供包括 API大小分子原料药、口服及无菌制剂、病毒载体服务、处方开发、临床试验解决方案、物流服务和商业化制造在内的一体化端到端服务。我们为各种规模的制药和生物技术公司提供遍布北美、欧洲、亚洲和澳大利亚的一体化全球设施网络。
先进的科学技术能力为我们带来盛名,也奠定了我们的全球领导地位,这包括处理高活及受管制的药物、无菌灌装和冻干、复杂处方、溶解度增强和高难度API生产等方面的专业能力。我们还为药物研发提供一体化服务,使原料药和制剂的研发协调一致,加速概念性验证,以减少研发时间。我们拥有 17,000 多名科研和专业人员,并拥有超过50年的行业经验。作为全球专业的制药 服务供应商,我们提供的服务集高质量、可靠性和合规性于一体。我们正与客户携手并肩,将制药的可能迅速变为现实。
Thermo Fisher Scientific provides industry-leading pharma services solutions for drug development, clinical trial logistics and commercial manufacturing to customers through our Patheon brand.
With more than 65 locations around the world, we provide integrated, end-to-end capabilities across all phases of development, including API, biologics, viral vectors, cGMP plasmids, formulation, clinical trials solutions, logistics services and commercial manufacturing and packaging. We give pharma and biotech companies of all sizes instant access to a global network of facilities and technical experts across the Americas, Europe, Asia and Australia. Our global leadership is built on a reputation for scientific and technical excellence. We offer integrated drug development and clinical services tailored to fit your drug development journey through our Quick to Care program. As a leading pharma services provider, we deliver unrivaled quality, reliability and compliance. Together with our customers, we’re rapidly turning pharmaceutical possibilities into realities.