作为中国布局最优的全球化CRO之一,安渡生物为需要进入多国市场的创新药提供符合国际标准的转化科学、定量临床药理、生物分析和生物标志物、监管申报和临床开发全链条服务,包括从临床前到上市的临床开发策略和执行,科学地“选剂量、选靶点、选病人” ,运用全球统一的技术平台、管理体系和交付标准,提高新药研发效率和成功率。客户群体涵盖从顶尖的初创生物科技公司到跨国制药企业。截至目前,安渡团队已经成功为境内外客户在中美欧日完成超过210项入市申报(NDA,BLA,MAA)。
安渡生物已在全球多地设有运营设施,包括美国的加州普莱森顿(Pleasanton, CA)、密执根州安娜堡(Ann Arbor, MI)、马里兰州德国镇(Germantown, MD),中国的杭州、上海和北京,以及欧洲的比利时林堡省(Limburg, Belgium)。
Amador Bioscience is a science-driven translational & clinical research CRO with established sites in USA, China and Europe.
As a leading partner for successful biopharmaceutical research and development, Amador Bioscience offers a comprehensive range of services, including translational sciences, clinical pharmacology, bioanalysis & biomarkers, regulatory strategy & submissions, and clinical research adhering to global standards. We excel in formulating and executing development strategies from pre-IND all the way to NDA/BLA/MAA submissions.
Our scientific methodologies to select the right target, right patient & right dose, and our global adoption of rigorous quality standards, serve to substantially enhance the efficiency and success rate of novel drug development endeavors.