臧敬五博士曾先后在跨国医药公司和中国药企担任高级管理职务, 包括葛兰素史克(GSK)全球高级副总裁兼全球神经系统治疗领域负责人及中国研发中心负责人,先声药业集团首席科学官和百家汇总裁。在进入药企之前,臧敬五博士曾任美国贝勒医学院(Baylor College of Medicine)免疫学及神经学教授。回国后,臧敬五博士参与创建了中国科学院健康科学研究所和上海巴斯德研究所并担任两家研究所的首任所长,他还曾任上海市免疫学研究所所长、上海交大医学院基础医学院院长等职务。
臧敬五博士毕业于上海第二医科大学(现上海交通大学医学院),布鲁塞尔大学免疫学博士,美国哈佛医学院免疫学博士后。在国际顶尖和知名学术期刊上共发表130余篇论文、综述及专著。臧敬五博士在美国贝勒医学院完成住院医师规培并持美国德州职业医师执照(Texas Medical Board)。
Dr. Zang founded I-Mab in 2016 and brought the Company to NASDAQ in early 2020. Under his leadership, I-Mab has evolved from an early-stage discovery company into a clinical stage company with an innovative and globally competitive pipeline in only four years.
Prior to founding I-Mab, Dr. Zang held various senior executive positions in global and China pharma groups, including Senior Vice President and head of Neuroscience Therapeutic Area and head of China R&D Center with GlaxoSmithKline and Chief Scientific Officer and President with Simcere Pharmaceuticals and BioSciKin, an innovative drug development platform.
Dr. Zang started his academic pursuit at Dr. L. Willems Institute in Belgium where he was head of multiple sclerosis research unit and later became Professor of Neurology and Immunology and Research Director of Multiple Sclerosis Center at Baylor College of Medicine in US. During his academic career in China, Dr. Zang founded the Institute of Health Sciences and co-founded the Institute Pasteur Shanghai with the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He also served as Dean of School of Medical Sciences at the Shanghai JiaoTong University and Director of Shanghai Institute of Immunology. Dr. Zang published more than 130 scientific articles and book chapters in prestigious journals and publications, including in Science, Nature Medicine, Nature Immunology, Immunity.
Dr. Zang received his medical degree from Shanghai JiaoTong University School of Medicine, Ph.D. in Immunology from University of Brussels and completed his postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Zang is a licensed physician (Texas Medical Board) in US.