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发布时间: 2023 - 06 - 25
点击次数: 0
所属职位: 创始合伙人、创始人
所属公司: 安龙基金、安龙生物
赵春林 博士,安龙基金创始合伙人,安龙生物创始人,为清华大学生物系首届毕业生,获得美国匹兹堡医学院分子生物学博士和芝加哥大学工商管理硕士,曾任美国辉瑞制药资深经理,国科嘉和及康桥资本董事总经理,拥有三十多年生命科学及医疗健康领域的创业和投资经验,投资过信达生物,贝瑞合康,天镜生物,歌礼药业,莱凯医药,创响生物及国科恒泰等杰出企业。赵春林博士曾任清华大学生命科学院,医学院及药学院首届校友会主席,为百华协会资深会员。 安龙基金是一只专注于国内早期生命科学与医疗健康领域的基金,投资领域横跨生命科学,医药研发,医疗器械,医疗服务及相关领域。 安龙生物是国内核酸药物领先企业,专注基因治疗,RNA,基因编辑等核酸药物的新药研发。专业之外,赵春林博士喜欢足球,滑雪,曾做过DJ,拥有三个漂亮可爱的女儿。Chunlin Zhao, Ph.DFounder of the AnlongMed/AnlongBio. Dr. Zhao is among the first class graduated from Biological Science and Technology department at Tsinghua University in 1990. Then, he received his Ph.D of molecular biology at University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and MBA from University of Chicago in the United States. Dr. Zhao was a senior manager at Pfizer in US. After returning to China, he founded Beijing LongMed biological technology co., LTD and then became partner of CASH Capital and C-Bridge Capital. Dr. Zhao has over 30 years of industry experience and excellent investment achievements, invested in Innovent, BerryGenomics, ASLETIS, GKHT and Imagine. Dr. Zhao is the founding Chairman of Tsinghua Alumni Association of School of Life Sciences,School of Medicine and School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, a senior member of BayHelix group. AnlongMed is a leading fund in Chinese life sciences and health care, focusing on biotech & pharma, medical devices, life sciences and medical services in China. Dr. Zhao also founded AnlongBio, a leading player in genetic medicine discovery in China, focusing on gene therapy, iRNA, mRNA, and other genetic medicines. Outside of his professional life, Dr. Zhao is a DJ, soccer player, ski lover, and has three lovely daughters.
发布时间: 2023 - 06 - 25
点击次数: 0
所属职位: 联合创始人/CTO
所属公司: 北京启辰生生物科技有限公司
曾任中国科学院北京基因组研究所研究生导师、2015年度国家十三五传染病重大专项首席科学家;参加十一五重大药物研发专项、承担十二五、十三五 “重大新药”创制项目;目前主持多项科技部和地方科委课题。国家和浙江、福建等省自然科学基金委评审专家;多个杂志编委;发表SCI论文 50余篇。Dr.Shi-you Li, Principle Investigator at Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing Institute of Genomics prior to the founding of TRICISION BIO Ltd., Chief Scientist of the 13th Five-Year Plan National Major Project for Infectious Diseases in 2015, participated in the 11th Five-Year Plan Major Project for drug development and the 12th and 13th Five-Year Plan “Major New Drug” Development and Manufactor Project. Currently, Dr.Li presides over a number of projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology and local science and technology commissions, and is the peer review expert of the National and Zhejiang, Fujian and other provincial natural science foundations. Dr.Li has more than 50 scientific publication, and is on the editorial board for multiple journals.
发布时间: 2023 - 06 - 25
点击次数: 0
所属职位: 董事长兼CEO
所属公司: 苏州克睿基因生物科技有限公司
发布时间: 2023 - 06 - 25
点击次数: 0
所属职位: 创始人
所属公司: 嘉晨西海生物技术有限公司
嘉晨西海生物技术有限公司创始人王子豪博士毕业于美国约翰霍普金斯大学,毕业后曾就职于多个国际大型制药企业长达 11 年之久,在职期间直接参与过四价流感、艾滋病、狂犬病、呼吸道合胞病毒、人巨细胞病毒等疫苗的 CMC 开发。王子豪博士作为最早参与自复制 mRNA 工艺设计优化和产业化开发的人员之一,专注于 mRNA 技术平台的工艺开发8年,并且直接参与了 mRNA 技术平台在多个病毒传染病领域的有效性及安全性验证和临床开发等。Dr. Zihao Wang is the Chief Executive Officer at Immorna and Co-founder of the Immorna family of companies. Dr. Wang is a seasoned entrepreneur and established biopharmaceutical veteran. He has over 14 years of biotech R&D and leadership experience. He is one of the pioneers in self-replicating mRNA (srRNA) CMC development and is the mastermind behind the development of the mRNA platform technologies at Immorna, which include an improved next generation srRNA, conventional mRNA, and circular RNA. Dr. Wang pioneers the application of srRNA-LNP against oncology indications.Prior to founding the Immorna family of companies, Dr. Wang held various R&D roles at GSK Vaccines, Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, Grifols SA, etc. During his tenure at Novartis and GSK, he spent more than 7 years working directly on srRNA CMC development and the application of srRNA technology against various viral infectious diseases.Dr. Wang is the lead author on more than 20 publications with more than 2000 citations. He is also the inventor on multiple patents related to mRNA design, RNA delivery, and their applications in various disease areas. Dr. Wang received his B.S. in Biochemistry from Fudan University in Shanghai, and his Ph.D. in Biological Chemistry from The Johns Hopkins University.
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